Before we move on to the 2004 wave, and travel back tens of thousands of years into Mata Nui's history, I'd like to offer this consideration of Takanuva, the messianic Toa of Light. Takanuva shows up at a particular juncture of the story's history because it's necessary for him to do so. There is a prophecy about him, and the prophecy is fulfilled.
But this got me wondering what would happen if he'd had to show up in different eras of the story. Or even earlier iterations of the kind of building lines that eventually led to Bionicle, and those that led from Bionicle. Here's what I came up with.
Slightly before Bionicle debuted in 2001, Lego tried the buildable figure /epic storyline tack with both Throwbots and Roboriders. Both featured robotic characters in conflict, sometimes with one another, but the set-up of both stories didn't seem to have an extended storyline in mind. So these are my suppositions of what would have happened had a Toa of Light-like figure showed up in these two stories.
As there's already a first-wave Toa of Light, I moved on to the Toa Metru era of Bionicle for the next models. Above is the Toa Metru of Light, accompanied below by his Horkida version, had he come into contact with the Hordika venom in same way that the Toa Metru do in the canonical storyline. I'm pretty happy with the Metru version of the character. There's a nice range of gold armour designed to use with this body build, so I was able to put together a consistent-looking figure.
I'm not as happy with the Hordika version. The body is pretty good, but I had to go with silver pieces, as the Horkida builds were never made compatible, really, with gold armour. I used the sparkly Kanohi Avhokii for this figure, too, to give him a definite personality distinct from all of the other models. The way I see it, once the Hordika venom begins swirling through his system, he ceases to reign in the light he can emanate.
The Toa Inika have never been my favourite build for the Toa, but their articulation, coupled with their pseudo-firearms, makes them excellent for Tarantino-esque poses. As I was building these variations on the character, I wasn't thinking of how I could make the builds better, however, but how I could adapt Takanuva into the aesthetic of each Toa variation. I think this one captures the Inika nicely.

Of all of the builds I did for this little experiment, the Toa Mahri of
Light is by far my favourite, and the only one who wasn't dismantled
after I'd finished. I love his trident, his armour, everything, really.
The Mahri were the wave of Bionicle in which all kinds of different body
builds were being incorporated into the line, a trend continued in the
Mistika, Phantoka, and Glatorian waves that followed. Though they eschew
the more mechanical construction of the earlier waves and, as I've
noted elsewhere, proceed from the mechanical to more biological (robot
to android, perhaps), this is the wave in which poseability reached its
apotheosis, at least for G1 Bionicle.
The Mistika/Phantoka wave of Bionicle actually includes an official Takanuva set, though it's a titan, and I prefer him as a Toa. I was able to go back to the dark gold armour, though if I'd been able to make his wings the same colour, that would have been great. Much of this is based on the Tahu build from this wave.
The Glatorian version of the Toa of Light is a little more sparse than his predecessors. Glatorian, and the whole Bara Magna storyline, smacked of post-apocalyptic society, so I wanted to make sure that the Toa of Light we had here was one that fit the setting. He's a dingy, banged-up Toa of Light, struggling through a barren wasteland to assist his fellow Glatorians.

These are two different versions of Takanuva as a Generation 2 Bionicle. I built the first at the same time I made all of the others. There's still much hope in the fan community that we might see a Toa of Light, but I suppose that will depend on where the G2 Bionicle story goes. The second model, made a few months later, was build after I received some paints for my birthday. The mask and the chest armour on the lower picture are custom paints. The paint I used matches remarkably well with the Pearl Gold colour of G2 Bionicle, so I spent some time with the hybrid Technic/CCBS system of G2 to try to put together a Toa of Light worthy of the new construction methods. I'm pretty happy with both versions.
To finish off, here's my take on Tara Knuva, a light-based hero from the Hero Factory line. These are versions of the character from the first four years of the line. I don't know much about the Hero Factory story, so I can't really give any details like that, but I stuck as close as I could to the build styles of each wave. Of all of them, I think the wave 1 figure turned out best.
So those are my Toa(s) of Light. Hope you enjoyed them. Next week we'll move forward to 2004, though backward through history, and begin experiencing the stories of Vakama, Onewa, Nokama, Whenua, Matau, and Nuju. The revelation that the Turaga were once Toa, tens of thousands of years ago, solidifies the mythic nature of the story, and the building innovations offer us some of the more memorable models of the series.